
We have collected a list of books on Personal Finance, Investments, Savings and Financial Planning not to be missed, suitable both for those who are just starting to approach this world and for those who are more experienced.

Personal finance for beginners: simple reading for those who want to start investing

Unshakeable by Tony Robbins

Collaborating with Peter Mallouk, an independent American financial advisor with millions of dollars under management, Robbins provides a practical manual for building investment plans.

Although situations specific to the American system are reported, all the principles contained within this book can be immediately applied by investors all over the world.

“Unshakeable” is one of favorite books for getting started in the world of investing!


The Little Book That Saves Your Money by Jason Zweig

In this finance book, perfect for beginners, Jason Zweig, one of the world’s best financial journalists, explores the other side of returns: risk.

“The little book that saves your money” can consider it as a sort of manual where everything you need to avoid if you don’t want to lose money is reported.

Personal finance for experienced investors: books for those who want to know more

The Little Book of Common Sense Investing by John Bogle

The inventor of Index Funds and founder of Vanguard, John Bogle, presents the philosophy behind these funds and explains why they are an effective choice for non-professional investors.

“The little book of Common Sense investing” adopts a clear and detailed approach, ideal for those who want to understand the power of Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) .

Walking Down Wall Street by Burton G. Malkiel

An investment classic, this book by Malkiel offers several ideas on how to build an investment portfolio and a “small guide for speculators”, which presents two of the most used tools for purchasing shares: technical analysis and fundamental analysis.

The Four Pillars of Investing by William Bernstein

If you want to review the fundamentals but also approach a more sophisticated perspective, this is the right book for you .

In fact, Bernstein delves into some theoretical bases, the history of the markets and the psychology of investors, without forgetting a more technical part dedicated to the construction of an investment portfolio.

Winning the Loser’s Game: Timeless Strategies for Successful Investing by Charles Ellis

Ellis, a financial advisor, author and academic, is known for his contributions to the investment field and for having been called “the wisest man on Wall Street.”

In this book, he delves into all those strategies and principles that have stood the test of time and changing market conditions.

Behavioral Finance Books: how not to let your brain fool you

The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel

Morgan Housel is one of the best authors in the world when it comes to personal finance.

This book is certainly one of the most interesting there is in the field of investments, because it does not talk about strategies, or mathematical laws, but explores the emotions related to money, helping readers to understand and overcome behavioral obstacles in the financial sector.

Irrational Exuberance by Robert Shiller

Robert Shiller, winner of the 2013 Nobel Prize for Economics, decided to write a book that warned of the technology bubble that was swelling out of all proportion at that time (and which would soon burst).

This bubble has therefore become an opportunity to carry out a scientific study on what are the elements that characterize an economic bubble , with the aim of recognizing and avoiding it, and on the role of emotions in financial markets, offering enlightening perspectives on the irrational decisions of investors.

Books and Great Investors: let yourself be inspired by the investment giants

Warren Buffett: Inside the Ultimate Money Mind by Robert Hagstrom

In this book , Hagstrom offers an intimate and in-depth analysis of Warren Buffett ‘s thinking , revealing the strategies and principles that made the Oracle of Omaha a financial legend.

An essential read for anyone who wants to understand the mind of the world’s greatest investor.

Poor Charlie’s Almanack by Charles T. Munger

This book offers a unique, multidisciplinary perspective on investing and life.

Inside, you’ll discover financial genius Munger’s insights through anecdotes, quotes, and timeless wisdom. An indispensable companion for those seeking inspiration.

The TAO of Charlie Munger by David Clark

After having delved into Munger’s ideas thanks to his own words in the previous book, let’s now discover the philosophical influences that determined those ideas.Clark immerses readers in the ecosystem that guided Charlie Munger’s decisions, offering valuable lessons on wisdom and investing.

This is an enlightening guide for those who aspire to increase their financial intelligence.

The Principles of Success by Ray Dalio

Financial giant Dalio shares his wisdom on how to build a successful career and life. A true discovery of the strategies that shaped his extraordinary path.

The Almanack of Naval Ravikant by Eric Jorgenson

It’s a collection of philosophical wisdom and practical advice. Ravikant shares profound reflections on career, happiness and personal wisdom.

“The Almanack of Naval Ravikant” is the perfect manual for those seeking the path to success and well-being.

A new vision of the world: books (financial and otherwise) that open your mind and stimulate your intellect

Antifragile by Nassim Taleb

In this now world-famous work, Taleb presents a revolutionary perspective on risk management and resilience.  “Antifragile” explores how to thrive in an uncertain world , turning chaos into opportunity.

An essential read for anyone who wants to feel antifragile , both in personal finances and in life.

Investing: The last liberal art by Robert Hagstrom

Hagstrom delves into the art of investing like never before. An intellectually curious and stimulating book, which integrates concepts from different disciplines for a more complete view of financial success.

Personal Growth: Non-financial books that will help you on your investing journey

Find Your Why by Simon Sinek

Sinek guides the reader in discovering their purpose, in work and in life. This book is a perfect read for those who are looking for the values ​​that must underlie their actions and which enrich their lives with meaning.

Atomic habits by James Clear

Despite what you think, small everyday habits can really make a difference in achieving your goals. Clear provides us with a real guide to transforming your life one small step at a time.

The Obstacle Is the Way by Ryan Holiday

Holiday, drawing on the principles of Stoic philosophy , explores how to transform obstacles into opportunities , embracing difficulties rather than avoiding them. Through stories of past figures and contemporary examples, the author offers practical wisdom on how to face adversity, learn from suffering, and move forward with determination.

This book is an essential companion for anyone seeking inspiration to overcome obstacles in their personal and professional lives.

History books of financial markets: everything we need to learn from the past

The Great Crash 1929 by John Kenneth Galbraith

Galbraith provides a detailed overview of the stock market crash of 1929, leading readers to understand the intricate economic dynamics that contributed to critical moments in history. An essential read for anyone seeking in-depth insight into the financial turmoil.

The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham

“The intelligent investor” is one of the most famous investment books in the world and its fame derives largely from Warren Buffett, who has cited it several times as the book that had the most influence on his investment process.

These books offer the best knowledge and ideas on finance. Anybody needs to be financially savvy, regardless of background or location. These publications offer readers practical guidance, practical recommendations, and insightful insights to help them manage their financial journeys successfully from the perspectives of our communities. All we’re saying is, here’s a backyard starting point if you need one!