African Bank Personal Loan

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African Bank Personal Loan

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Learn more details about the loan African Bank Personal Loan

African Bank Personal Loan awaits you with up to R350000. This loan comes with customizable terms and vital cover for unexpected life events. Whether you are planning higher education for your child or renovating your home, a Personal Loan from African Bank can make it happen.

This loan is designed in a way that you will get a return of 1.3% of your loan installments in Audacious Rewards points. You can borrow between R2000 to R350000 on an Interest rate of 15% to 24.50% for a term of 7 to 72 months.

  • Customizable loan size: African Bank offers you personal loans sized from R2000 to R350000. You can borrow any amount you want from this.
  • Bank on-the-go: To remove bank maintenance hassle, African Bank enables banking from home for your comfort. You can apply for a loan, download statements, change card limits, prepaid airtime, data, electricity, and water by sitting at your home. The approved loan will be directly deposited into your bank account.
  • Flexible terms: African Bank lets you choose the repayment term from 7 months to 72 months. You can repay the loan by choosing the term flexible for you.
  • Fixed installment: Before taking the loan you can calculate your monthly installment amount. You can be prepared with the fixed monthly installment amount.
  • Audacious rewards points: If you take this loan, you will receive back 1.3% of your installment.

You can click on the button at the end of the text to follow the step-by-step guide to request this loan.

About the African Bank Personal Loan

Furthermore, this loan has an Interest rate (APR) starting from 15% to 24.50% and an Insurance rate from 5.04% to 5.4%.

As a borrower, you will be covered with credit life insurance. This insurance will settle your due balance in terms of your credit agreement or pay installments in uncertain life events such as death, permanent or temporary disability, retrenchment, unpaid leave, or short time.

About the African Bank

The story begins in 1964 when the National Federal Chamber of Commerce (NAFCOC) felt the need for a bank for South Africans. African Bank Limited was created on 31 July 1975. It was a subsidiary of African Bank Investments Limited. This bank provides services locally in South Africa. The first branch of this bank was opened in Ga-Rankuwa near Pretoria.

A group of 10 experienced and skilled people serving the board and 14 are holding the position of executives. The bank has a risk and capital management committee, an audit and compliance committee, a director affairs and governance committee, a special projects and large exposures committee, a sustainability, ethics, and transformation committee, a remuneration committee, a management committee, and chairpersons, asset and liability management committee, model risk committee and information committee.

The bank is committed to transparency in all interactions, open and honest written or verbal communication, and committed to accepting responsibility. This bank is open to considering different viewpoints and expressing their own. This bank is transparent in disclosing the results.

As an African bank user, you will be covered by credit life insurance. In uncertain life events such as death, disability, unemployment, or unpaid leave, you will be covered by the due balance and installment burden.

African Bank has a unique feature for existing customers. In hard times, you can take a break from installment. Category B users will be covered to settle their loan and credit card debt in case of life demise.

Why choose an African Bank Personal Loan?

This loan can be chosen for its customizable loan options, flexible repayment terms, and audacious reward points.

You can choose any amount based on your need and can choose repayment terms at your convenience. You are not only paying but also getting back from this loan. Audacious rewards points give you 1.3%  back on your installment.

Lastly, a fully online banking facility will give you the flexibility to use banking services by sitting at your home and at any time you want.

You can click on the button below and follow the step-by-step guidelines to request this loan.